Nawiri officers met an elderly woman in Boji village during their Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) activity. She is one of the targeted participants for the Cash Transfer program. Upon seeing the Nawiri team, she is able to identify a staff amongst the officers, and she welcomes the team to her home. She introduces herself as Ayani Jattani Guyo and the team requests her to share the changes she has experienced following the cash transfer program. She says, “I lost my only daughter six years ago, and she left behind four grandchildren, that is 3 girls and 1 boy. I have been taking care of them alongside my sick and elderly husband who is unable to support the family.” She explains her struggles of taking care of the family alone. She used to have 10 goats of which she would link up with the neighbors and together, they would employ a person to take care of the goats. However, tough times drove her into selling her goats to acquire funds for survival. Times have been tough on her as she was left to beg for food from her neighbors and well-wishers, though skipping a meal had been the order of the day for her family.

The cash transfer has been a big blessing to Ayani and her family as she has been supporting her family through the funds provided. She purchases food in bulk such that he family is sustained through the month. She has also managed to set aside some money for emergencies such as illnesses. She adds that “I plan to join one of the SILC groups as advised by one of the Nawiri officers, so that I can improve my saving culture.” Ayani is grateful that the cash transfer through Nawiri has changed her life and that of her family in a big way